Our school garden.🌽🥔🍎
20th Jun 2023
In our school garden we have planted potatoes, sweetcorn, leeks, pumpkins and a selection of herbs. We also have a variety of fruit trees and bushes including apple, pear and plum trees. Fruit growing includes blueberries, strawberries and blackcurrants. In our greenhouse are tomatoes and sweet peppers.🍅🍓🫐
The garden is also full of a variety of wild flowers which attract lots of different insects.🐞🐝
We care for our garden on a daily basis by watering, feeding and weeding.🌹🌻
Bush Primary School & Nursery Unit, 31 Mullaghteige Rd, Dungannon, County Tyrone BT71 6QU | Tel: 028 8772 5102